Priyanka Moza
3 min readFeb 1, 2015


Regular Exercise: An Outlet tool of an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur in itself means the world as an entrepreneur is the mother of his idea and boss of all the operations; but, at the same time he is the key motivational person in the closed organisation of his work, is the head serviceman indulged in almost every aspect of the collateral work — be it design, analytics, architecture, coding, production, PR, content guidelines, cultural aspect or finance. Name any, they do it all and many times, in a single go! Sheer Identity Crisis…..

The other side of this conundrum is that entrepreneurs not only struggle to keep themselves motivated to do work all the time (since on the average they are more susceptible to see bumps in the progression of their idea), they also unwantedly have to motivate their co-workers/employers/partners who may or may not share the enthusiasm of the idea in the same way. Somehow, I feel that it is the similar story of all the entrepreneurs around the globe, mostly who set out work from scratch with higher risk aspects and lower to none financial backup.

Frequent bumps in the entrepreneurial endeavors and constant struggle to keep up the motivation while facing any sort of intervened failure leads to the generation of a lot of anxiety and aggression due to the stress of unfulfilled ambition. Because by nature entrepreneurs are thinkers, it means they ponder over a thought to a length while sitting….You know, the whole day dreamer kinds. Which means they sit a lot and their lives slowly become quite sedentary (don't think its bad, it goes with the profile and thus, is a great thing). While all the stress from work keeps flowing towards us on a daily basis, sedentary lifestyle makes it much more worse than it already is.

We all know that stress is a silent killer and eats our body within. Well what it eats is our metabolic rate, cell’s regeneration power and bio-rhythm: all of which are very essential for our body and specially our brain to work properly. The best way to beat anger, aggression, stress and anxiety created by the work is EXERCISE! Yes it is. When you work, having a physical activity in your schedule that you love to do is no longer the matter of just fun or bodily fitness. It becomes the source to silently but constructively unload the excess baggage from your head at the end of the day. It keeps the mind light and helps in venting-out negativity.

I won't go in biological (hormones and all) aspect of doing an exercise everyday. I will keep its context strictly to use of negative aggression built up by stress into doing an activity that keeps the “all the time boggling” mind sane enough to take on daily challenges. I personally like hopping, non-stop crazy-dancing, cycling, mixture of yoga & aerobics, and playing badminton with harmonic music on. It helps me in easy but quick sweating, which means biorhythm coming back to normal and a lot of excess heat, otherwise dangerous for the body, dissipating out. I prefer 1 hour of the mixture of hopping, aerobics, crazy dancing, quick yoga and some floor exercise everyday to take off my mind out of all the craziness happening around.

You can choose any of your favourite activity. I mean it can be doing theatre or going to park. Just keep in mind that the physical activity you choose must come naturally to you and at some level should be easy for you to do with some cardio (even keeping you on your toes can be considered as cardio; given that your feet are at least minimally in some movement) involved at initiation of it. I bet you will love doing it everyday, since the positive effects of this on us (I am counting deep thinkers, entrepreneurs in particular but it applies to all in one way or another) are visible as earliest as the very first day of it.

Keep your sanity intact and Good Luck Entrepreneurs with your wonderful endeavors!

